
Beginnings of a blog.

To begin, there are three things I must smash to hell with my critical fist:

1. Beginnings
2. Blogs
3. Beginning a blog

1. Beginnings

Beginnings present new opportunities. For example, it gives one the opportunity to use the phrase 'New Beginnings,' which really pisses me off. Why? Well, beginning something implies that it has not already begun; therefore, the beginning would be something new and no one should ever need to state the phrase 'New Beginnings.' Unless you like hearing yourself speak. Or you're a politician. Even in such cases, don't you already want to hit those people in the face? If not, I'm now threatening to hit you in the face.

This particular beginning, Critiques by Greeple, excites me, because I think it'll give me a platform to start writing again - one interesting enough, hopefully, to keep me coming back. The biggest problem facing this writer? Writing. So that's good.

Beginnings are good, generally. Save bad beginnings. Like beginning a new millenium with W as our president.

2. Blogs

Can you think of a word more stupid than 'blog'? I'll wait.

3. Starting a blog

It's a bandwagon thing. Since blogging's inception, it has gathered quite an obnoxious reputation - one that kept me from starting one. Whenever someone says they're 'blogging,' have a 'blog,' read 'blogs,' or follow a 'blogger,' I feel like flogging skulls with my fastidious fists (see '2. Blogs').

Now that I've started my own, determining a direction to take it has become problematic. I've decided to start a blog where there are no limits to the things that I can critique. I like critiquing things, and moving forward, that's all I've decided to go on. As it develops, it will become more focused: how I critique things, why I critique things, the tone or dialogue I'd like to establish with (a) reader(s)...

For now, the common thread shall be me, Greeple, writing as a sarcastic asshole. 'Til next time, folk(s).


Jon O. said...

Re: #2:

I'm casting my vote for "steampunk".

Also, yes, blog is about as ugly as words get. But it's one of those things that is in such great usage nowadays that i can't avoid thinking of it that way.

Jon Grip said...

Yeah, I'm used to saying 'blog,' too. I'm just tryin to make folks giggle for .45 seconds.